About Me
Hi, I’m Dr. Jennifer Keith. I am trained as a licensed psychologist. For me, this means that I am a listener, a guide, strength-finder, collaborator, and encourager when someone is struggling through tough times. Clients come to me because, although they are typically capable, they have not yet found a way out of their hurt and anxiety. I want clients to feel empowered and inspired to conquer whatever comes next. I want people to be fully engaged and an active participant in their lives rather than a bystander.
Who I help
I love to help people who long to quiet the anxious and critical voice in their head. The voice that detracts from their acknowledgment of their success and how far they have come. I love to help people who are buried under stress and anxiety. They are high-achievers and perfectionists who find themselves paralyzed by comparisons to others and phrases which start with “I should…” or “What if…” They have a to-do list which never ends. They often think, if I can just get to the next turn, then I can relax, then I will be happy. I love to help people who ultimately want AMAZING relationships with their family, partners, friends, and themselves. They want to feel good enough rather than never enough.
What I believe
I believe people are worthy. I believe people are more than good enough. I believe people have what they need within themselves to conquer their fears and overcome their worries and self-doubts. I believe all people have the potential to live their best lives.
As a psychologist, I strive to foster a climate of purposeful inclusion of all people. I value the diversity of racial and cultural identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious background and belief, marital status, family structure, age, mental and physical health and ability, and political perspective. Everyone is welcome.
How I work
First and foremost, I listen. That is a given. I actively listen to understand you and get to know the way you think and the way you see yourself, others, and the world. Then, listening turns to feedback, observations of patterns, and goal-setting. I do not just smile, nod my head, and take notes. I talk back. I am warm and supportive yet direct and interactive in the session. Of course, there is a time and place for you to vent and get it all out, but my role is to guide you to take action, to heal, to overcome, to conquer, to succeed, and to thrive. Ultimately, I want you to become your own therapist. I will provide you with tangible and intangible tools to experiment and practice outside of therapy to see what works for you. I offer a tailored approach to your care, which means I am accessible, responsive, and committed to you and your success. By limiting the number of clients I serve, I am able to invest in you and take time to research best practices, participate in ongoing training and workshops, and bring fresh ideas and approaches to fit you and your goals.
Credentials, Education and Experience
- BA Psychology Wake Forest University
- MA Clinical/Counseling Psychology Southern Methodist University
- Doctor of Psychology University of Northern Colorado
- Pre-Doctoral Internship University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
- American Psychological Association (www.APA.org)
- International OCD Foundation (www.IOCDF.org)