Everyone has experienced heartbreak before. It can be a shock when someone you love has decided to end the relationship.

When you are dealing with a broken heart from a committed dating relationship, it can feel like time has stopped. Suddenly, nothing matters much, now that your ex is out of your life. What you envisioned for your future now seems vague and uncertain.  Often, it can even feel like you’re physically in pain, and you may struggle to find happiness in the activities that you once enjoyed. You may have difficulty focusing on anything and find yourself ruminating on what happened or what you did wrong.

You might find yourself wondering if you will ever be truly happy again. So, how can you heal from your broken heart? What is the secret of learning to love your life again?

Getting over heartbreak is a battle. But it’s a fight you can win.

Here’s how to make it past your heartbreak and come out the other side even stronger.

Recognize the Symptoms of “Addiction”

Did you know that when you fall in love, your brain chemistry isn’t so different from that of someone with an addiction? Therefore, when you go through a breakup, you experience “withdrawal symptoms” in a sense.

The first step to winning the fight to overcome heartache is recognizing that you’re not just dealing with a negative emotional state. You’re dealing with something that has an even stronger hold on you. And moving on is going to require a different strategy than simply trying to keep your chin up.

Allow Yourself to Grieve

A relationship break-up is a loss, and it is important to take time to grieve.  Depending on the nature of the relationship (i.e. length of time and level of commitment) and the break-up process, your experience will be unique to you.  Friends and family may be too quick to cheer you up or promise you that you will meet someone new, but you may not be ready to for that.  Everyone’s timeline of grief is different, but if you believe your grief has gone on for too long and you are becoming frustrated with your thoughts and inability to “move on,” then it may be time to seek additional help.

Stop Searching for an Explanation

After a breakup, you might wonder why your ex decided to end things. Even if they did offer an explanation, there’s a good chance you weren’t fully convinced. Perhaps you can’t help but wonder if there was something else you did that they’re just not telling you.

However, the truth is that you’ll never know exactly what was going through their head. Furthermore, getting the “closure” you desire won’t soothe your anxieties the way you assume it will. Happiness won’t come from anything your ex says or does. That’s because healing has to come from within you.

Quit Idealizing Your Ex

Chances are, you’ve got your ex up on a pedestal right now. How could you ever be happier without them than you were with them? You may be wearing rose-colored glasses when looking in the rear view mirror.

Here’s the good news: your ex likely wasn’t as great as you’re remembering them to be! Our brains are wired to heal from pain. While this can be a positive to help you move on, it can be detrimental if you begin to idealize your past relationship.

So, when you dwell on a happy memory, think of areas of the relationship in which you did not feel fulfilled or appreciated to balance it out and be realistic. You can even make a list of the negative aspects of your relationship to look at when you start missing your ex. That may sound a little glum, but it’s an effective technique to keep your brain from “misremembering” or rewriting history.

Identify the Voids in Your Life

One reason you might miss your ex so much could be that you’re missing aspects of your life with them that you have also lost.

Did the two of you always attend social events together? Were there certain restaurants or breweries in your neighborhood that you hung out at every weekend?

If you had mutual friends, you might feel lonely now that you’re no longer spending time with them. It’s important that you identify where you have voids in your life now and think about what you can do to find new centers of community and enrich your life.

Expand Your Social Circle

By expanding your social circle, you can get over your heartbreak. When you’re ready, this is the final step.

It’s how you win that fight and put all the obstacles behind you!

But remember, going out and meeting new people doesn’t mean trying to find a new partner right away. Right now, your job is to try new things, make new friends, invest in yourself and your friendships and see how much happier the single life can be. Give yourself that time for growth as an individual.

Has a recent break up left you reeling? Are you struggling to heal from a broken heart? Talk therapy, more specifically Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), can help you move forward and land on your feet. If you would like more practical relationship help on your healing journey, feel free to contact me.